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Preliminary Approval Issuance


Service Description

The Preliminary Approval Service aims to verify an entity’s capability and readiness to provide e-learning or e-training in accordance with the standards set by the National eLearning Center (NELC). This service serves as a mandatory prerequisite before obtaining a program license, ensuring that the entity meets the initial requirements before being granted final program approval.






  • Ensuring Technical Readiness: Early verification of the availability of digital infrastructure and the e-learning platform to guarantee a high-quality learning or training experience.
  • Enhancing Credibility: Strengthening the confidence of learners, trainees, and stakeholders in the entity’s compliance with e-learning standards.
  • Commitment to Quality Standards: Ensuring that e-learning platforms align with NELC's recognized quality standards.
  • Encouraging Innovation and Development: Motivating entities to adopt the latest technological best practices in e-learning and training.
  • Effective Resource Management: Ensuring that the entity has the capacity to provide sustainable and efficient educational services before obtaining final program licensing.
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Target Group

Public Sector | Private Sector | Non-Profit Organizations

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Response Time


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Service Fee

Free of charge